Skills Period 5

For this week 3/18- 3/22

Mike, Quinn, and Geovany should be completing the US History report on the Presidents they were assigned. It was due 4/1, but Mrs. Clahane has reported that they did not turn it in. She is giving them a few extra days to do it. I believe Quinn has Taylor, and Geo has Coolidge, and I think Mike has Taft...

Quinn also needs to finish an Immigration Packet that Mrs. Clahane dropped off.. he is 3/4 of the way finished and check that his ELA essay intro is completed.

Geo needs to check that his ELA esssay intro is completed.

Mike Chi needs to check that his ELA essay intro is completed.

Drew should be keeping up with math work and also needs to make a short synopsis of his SS report (20 copies) to distribute to the class. He forgot to do that part of the project. Check to see his ELA essay intro is completed.

Casey was absent Monday and should be staying on top assignments that she may have missed that day. One of which is the ELA essay introdution. She will need to see Mrs. Flood for the format and topic.

Andrew, Steve, and Mike Del O. should be keeping up with economics topics and may use the online textbook program to do that. We have a small test on Wednesday in Economics and thet will need to study with me and do some practice tests (which I have) before the exam day. It is just graphing and small calculations they can do with a calculator. This should be an easy A.  :)